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EU Programmes at the MF SR

Fiscalis 2013 is an EU cooperation programme enabling national tax administrations to create and exchange information and expertise. It allows developing and operating major trans-European IT systems in partnership, as well as establishing various person to person networks by bringing together national officials from across Europe.

Customs 2013 is an EU cooperation programme providing national customs administrations with the possibility to create and exchange information and expertise. It allows developing and operating major trans-European IT systems in partnership and establishing various human networks by bringing together national officials from across Europe.

Financial Guide for Customs 2013 & Fiscalis 2013 EU Programmes_v5_EN.rtf

Decision on Customs 2013 Program.pdf

Decision on Fiscalis 2013 Program.rtf

Financial Guide _Fiscalis2013_Customs2013.rtf

Fiscalis 2013 Annual Work programme 2011 .rtf

For the period 2014 – 2020, the Fiscalis 2020 and the Customs 2020 programmes are currently being prepared to continue with successful implemenation of its predecessors (Fiscalis 2013, Customs 2013).

Useful links

Fiscals Programme

Customs Programme